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Gene info

Gene expression

Median TPM per gene per tissue Used for heatmap visualizations

log2(readcount+1) Used to compute allelic fold change

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2

TPM (transcripts per million) Relative abundance of transcripts

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2

Inverse-quantile normalized Used for eQTL mapping

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2


Genotypes are grouped by the datasets from which they originated. The sample sets for the tissues within a dataset are overlapping subsets. Different datasets include different sets of SNPs in their genotypes.

Other info

Rat info (all tissues)

Sample info (all tissues)

Rat IDs The final QC-filtered sample sets used for eQTL mapping
The NAcc2 dataset contains some samples with single-end (SE) RNA-Seq reads and other samples with paired-end (PE) reads.

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 (SE)(PE) | OFC | PL | PL2

RNA-Seq FASTQ file lists with corresponding rat IDs
Datasets with single-end reads have one column of files, while paired-end file pairs are given as two columns. These lists may include files for samples that were filtered out, so use the rat ID lists above to get the final sample sets.
The NAcc2 dataset contains some samples with single-end (SE) RNA-Seq reads and other samples with paired-end (PE) reads.

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 (SE)(PE) | OFC | PL | PL2

Covariates used for eQTL mapping

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2


Conditionally independent cis-eQTLs
A table of cis-eQTLs from all tissues.

All significant cis-eQTL variant-gene pairs

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2

Top association per gene
A table of the strongest variant-gene association per gene per tissue, even if not significant. A q-value threshold of 0.05 was used to determine significant eQTLs.

All SNP-gene associations genome-wide with TSS distance > 5 Mb and with an arbitrary cutoff of p < 1e-5. No significance testing was performed.

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2


Splice phenotypes Relative usage of splice junctions within junction clusters

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2

Covariates used for sQTL mapping

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2

Conditionally independent cis-sQTLs
A table of cis-sQTLs from all tissues.

All significant cis-sQTL variant-phenotype pairs

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2

Top association per gene
A table of the strongest variant-gene association per gene per tissue, even if not significant. A q-value threshold of 0.05 was used to determine significant sQTLs.

All SNP-phenotype associations genome-wide with TSS distance > 5 Mb and with an arbitrary cutoff of p < 1e-5. No significance testing was performed.

Adipose | BLA | Brain | Eye | IL | LHb | Liver | NAcc | NAcc2 | OFC | PL | PL2


Different types of data used for visualizations, including expression, eQTLs, and reference annotations, can be accessed via API. See the API documentation for details.

Raw data

Original study data

Archives of the data files used in the originating studies.